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Creating a Variable Text Object

All Address objects are designed to hold information that varies from label to label. For example, Address objects automatically display an entry that you select from the Address Book. Also, you can automatically paste information from the clipboard directly into an Address object.

Normally, Text and Circular Text objects can only display fixed information that you enter directly into a Text object or into the Circular Text Properties dialog box. However, you can make a Text or Circular Text object display variable information in the same manner as an Address object (that is, turn a plain Text object into a "variable Text object").

As an example, suppose you are creating a name badge label. You can create one Text object to hold the fixed text "Hello, my name is" and create a variable Text object to hold the person's name. You can then either paste names directly into the variable Text object with Smart Paste, for example, or use the Address Book to insert multiple names when the labels print.

To create a variable Text object

  1. Right-click the Text or Circular Text object that you want to make a variable Text object, and then choose Properties.

    The Properties dialog box for the selected object appears.

  2. Select the Function as variable object check box, and then click OK.

    The selected object is now a variable Text object.

See Also